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Editable shchedule table.




new io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler($('#my-Scheduler'), {extendable:true});


1st argument is a HTML Element as jQuery Object.

2nd argument is optional parameters.

2nd Argument options

extendable (Boolean)

If it’s true, the schedule table can be extendable.
Default Value: false

appendable (function)

How to generate new schedule. The arguments must like io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler.generateSchedule. If false is inputed, user can’t add new schedule. Default value: io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler.generateSchedule

deleteButtonGenerator (function)

The function to generate delete button DOM of each schedules. 1st argument is schedule, 2nd argument is the id of scheduler. Default Value: io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler.defaultDeleteButtonGenerator

resizable (boolean)

If it’s true, the schedules are appendable, resizable and deletable. Default Value: true

separationIntervalAlgorithm (function)

How to separate the schedules. 1st argument must be the separation target schedule. 2nd argument must be Date object where you’ll separate the schedule. Default value: io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler.SEPARATION_INTERVAL_ALGORITHM

dataFormat (String)

How the day’s will be formatted. Use %y, %m, %d (date) and %D (day).
Default Value: %m/%d (%D)

initialLength (Number)

How many days will be displayed initially.
Default Value: 7

initialSchedule (Object)

The schedules data.
Default Value: io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler.INITIAL_SCHEDULE (sample schedule)

startDate (Date)

The head day of the schedule table.
Default Value: initialSchedule head day. If initialSchedule is empty, it’ll Today.



This method adds new schedule for scheduler.
This method gets one argument a Date which day will get new schedule.
This method returns added schedule.


This method adds a new schedule.
This method gets one argument the schedule.
This method returns jQuery elements array of the added schedules.


This method updates a schedule. This method gets one argument the updated schedule.
This method returns jQuery elements array of the added schedules.


This method gets the schedules list.
This method gets no arguments.
This method returns the schedules array.


This method gets a schedule.
This method gets the schedule ID to get schedule. This method returns the indicated schedule or undefined.



When user clicked a schedule, this event is fired.
This event has a property schedule which has the clicked schedule information.


When user added a new schedule, this event is fired.
This event has a property added which has the added schedule information.


When user deleted a schedule, this event is fired.
This event has a property deleted which has the deleted schedule information.


When user resized a schedule, this event is fired.
This event has a property schedule which has the resized schedule information.


When user separated a schedule, this event is fired.
This event has two properties.
First one is schedules which has new schedules information as array.
Second one is deleted which has the base schedule information.

Schedule structure


Use io.github.shunshun94.scheduler.Scheduler.generateSchedule to generate schedule data. This method required 3 argument and more 3 optional argument.

Schedule elements

The schedule object should have those values